Citizen Sleeper, the award-winning narrative adventure, made a huge splash on Switch when it arrived. Today, Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector has been revealed, but no platforms outside of PC have been confirmed just yet. With the success of the Switch version of the original game, we’re thinking the sequel will make its way over too. Hopefully we get confirmation on that soon.

Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector reunites the very same core development team, and will take you to a new location, put you in the declining body of a new Sleeper, and once again ask you to build a life for yourself among the stars. But this time you have a ramshackle ship and a crew you’ve recruited, both of which need you to steer them through a system-wide crisis.

Citizen Sleeper’s acclaimed Tabletop RPG-inspired gameplay will also return in Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector alongside all new systems and mechanics that will offer more depth, complexity and challenge.

Jump Over the Age and Fellow Traveller revealed the game today at the PC Gaming Show with a gorgeous animated narrative reveal trailer, created in partnership with animation house Studio Yuzu.

You are a Sleeper, an android built by Essen-Arp for whatever purpose your corporate owners dictate. After a daring escape, you’ve made it all the way out to the Starward Belt, a remote asteroid cluster at the edge of the Helion System, only to have swapped one form of control for another. You’re now under the thumb of Laine, a notorious gang leader who provides you with Stabilizer - the drug your android body needs to survive - and uses it to exert control over you.

It’s a miserable existence for you and Serafin, your colleague in servitude. Together, you hatch a plan to escape. After a desperate attempt to free yourself by rewriting the very code that governs your system, you are on the run with a malfunctioning body, a price on your head and no memory of your past.

The first thing you did was steal a ship. Keep it running, maintain it, even upgrade it, and maybe it will eventually carry you away from all this. But you can’t run it alone. You’ll need a crew, and while the Belt is full of those looking for work, it’s also full of trouble. Can you hold the ship together through this crisis? Can you build a refuge here, among the stars?

Meanwhile, there is a crisis unfolding in the Helion System. Two vast corporate entities are fighting a bitter, covert war that is touching everything, even the Starward Belt. Waves of refugees, shattered hulks of warring ships, strange new technologies, all of this and more is now washing up on the shore of the Belt. Navigate this shifting territory, take on contracts, get paid, and survive to see the next cycle.

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