
Over in Japan, there’s a Pokémon variety show on TV called PokéDoko 4. The next episode is set to air on April 24th, 2022, and it seems new Pokémon game info could be part of the show.

According to the official TV Tokyo summary for the episode, the show will feature, “the latest information on the Pokémon games!?” That usually means we’ll get some of that information prior to the show airing, and it usually pops up in an issue of Famitsu.

Again, we don’t have 100% concrete proof that brand-new details on a Pokémon game will be shared, but every time this situation has popped up in the past, new information was indeed shared one way or another. We’ll make sure to keep our eyes peeled this coming week to see what Pokémon games are talked about!

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2+ y ago

Pokemon Co. always shares their news in the most random of places. I love it.
Maybe they're showing off the new starter's evolutions. People are excited about that, right?