PuffPals: Island Skies is a game about eliciting the nostalgic memories of growing up as a kid; exploring the world and discovering everything for the very first time! Sounds pretty fun, doesn’t it? If you’re interested, we’re happy to let you know that this game has been officially confirmed for Switch.

The PuffPals Kickstarter has been running for a couple of weeks now, and its initial funding goal was set at $75k. It appears the developers were quite modest in their funding, because the game has absolutely soared past that total. As of right now, the game is sitting at nearly $720k in funding!

The only reason this game is coming to Switch is because of a stretch goal that was hit. The dev team was asking for $500k to bring the game to Switch, which is a considerable amount more than the $75k for base funding. Still, the game had absolutely now trouble hitting that stretch goal and blowing right past the $500k mark.

As of right now, the Kickstarter has another 19 days to go, and yes, there are more stretch goals to hit! If you want to donate to this Kickstarter or see what other stretch goals are left, you can get the full details here.

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