
Final Fantasy VII is currently in the process of being remade, with the second part due out in 2024 and the final part coming…who knows when! While there’s still a lot of work to be done on that project, it turns out employees at Square Enix are already eager to tackle another remake.

Square Enix Vice President Yoshinori Kitase has been chatting a lot about Final Fantasy lately, as Final Fantasy XVI is literally days away from launch and Final Fantasy VII’s remake is deep in development. With remakes and new releases keeping the Final Fantasy franchise alive, it’s not surprising to hear fans are eager to see what other installments get the remake treatment. Chief among those requests is Final Fantasy VI, and it turns out a lot of employees within Square Enix feel the same.

“I think FF6 Remake would be difficult. FF7 Remake is not yet finished so I am not able to think about it… But for FF6 there are many FF6 fans inside the company and they often ask me ‘when are we making 6?’”

[Yoshinori Kitase, Square Enix VP]

If a remake of the SNES classic were to ever come about, it would likely be years and years away. If one does come to fruition some day, let’s hope it lands on whatever platform Nintendo is pushing at the time!

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Comments (6)


1y ago

It should have happened before FF7. Not only because of the obvious fact that it's an older game, but also because it's the better game.


1y ago

They don’t need to make it a full 3D AAA experience a la FFVII Remake. Just do HD 2D like what they did with Live A Live and are doing with Dragon Quest III. Those are beautiful but still feel true to the source and I would love to see the same for FFVI.


1y ago

SE can't take a hint.

Definitely disagree regarding it being HD-2D. The pixel art in FF6 is already top notch, and HD-2D isn't enough to differentiate it from the original. A remake of FF6 needs to justify its existence, and that wouldn't do it in my opinion. It would just be a slightly different looking, but worse running version of FF6 compared to the SNES version.


1y ago

Poor FF6... Too big and ambitious to get the average remaster the previous games got, but not popular enough to get the AAA remake FF7 got. But it's still my favorite Final Fantasy.

I'd join the chorus asking for a remake, but I know I don't have quite enough time for it in my adult life. It deserves it, though. It's such a great part of my childhood.


1y ago


I respect your opinion and agree that FFVI already looks great. Part of the reason that I think the game might benefit from the HD-2D treatment though is because of its Mode 7 sequences being ripe for an actual 3D presentation. Here’s a fan-made example of what I mean:

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