Two more videos have been released for Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, and both showcase the game’s voice acting. First up is Yakou Furio, voiced by Takehito Koyasu in Japanese. After that is an English voice clip showcasing Masked Man, who is brought to life by Brandon Winckler.

Yakou is head of the only agency in Kanai Ward, the Nocturnal Detective Agency. An aloof and elusive man. Although not a Master Detective, he is certified by the World Detective Organization, which suggests he is an excellent detective. That said, he is somewhat weak-kneed, and his agency’s policy is to stay quiet and refrain from any overt behavior that might lead to conflict with the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers.

Masked Man is a mysterious masked man who lives on the top floor of Kanai Tower. His tendency to speak in riddles makes it difficult to ascertain his true nature, but he seems to have ulterior motives.

Kanai Ward - the city of rain - is gripped by innumerable unsolved mysteries, under the complete control of Amaterasu Corporation. Master Detectives of the World Detective Organization, a group dedicated to eradicating the world’s unsolved mysteries, rise to the challenge of uncovering the truth. Yuma and Shinigami must work alongside the Master Detectives to solve unsolved cases.


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