Stone Cold keeps kayfabe alive by playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

"Austin 3:16 says I Just whipped Ganon's ass!

23 June 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

It looks like Stone Cold is totally down to keep his Legend of Zelda gag running, as yet another installment in the saga has come about today.

Roughly one year ago, WWE’s Broken Skull Sessions podcast featured Steve Austin and Cody Rhodes arguing over Zelda games. At the time, Stone Cold insisted that Breath of the Wild was in fact the greatest Zelda game of all time. Most people thought Stone Cold’ half of this discussion was just a joke, but then WWE released a behind-the-scenes photo featuring Steve Austin playing it for himself.

Fast-forward to today, and we have some pictures of Stone Cold sitting down with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. With Breath of the Wild being his previous favorite Zelda game, you knew he’d have to check in on Tears of the Kingdom as well!

Of course, like we mentioned at the top, this is nothing more than a running gag. While we’re not 100% sure Stone Cold isn’t a big Zelda fan, all the evidence points to him just playing along with the idea for some laughs. Either way, we get some Stone Cold X Legend of Zelda content, and I’m down with that.

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