
Both Mini Metro and Mini Motorways have been a hit for Dinosaur Polo Club, as they’ve been bringing in a steady stream of players for years now. That’s why it’s not surprising to hear that the studio has future plans for one, if not both of the titles.

In an interview with Games Industry, Dinosaur Polo Club co-founder Peter Curry spoke up about studio plans to release more content for their hit Mini games. With Mini Motorways, new content is already in the works. When it comes to Mini Metro, there’s certainly a chance, but nothing is set in stone.

“We do have further updates at least for Mini Motorways [after the anniversary update]. We’d love to keep supporting Mini Metro as well, we’ll see how things go. It’ll stay around, definitely, it’s not going anywhere.”

[Dinosaur Polo Club co-founder Peter Curry]

Curry also mentioned that the team is currently prototyping another entry in the Mini franchise, but no specifics or platforms were mentioned at this time.

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