Ahead of its July 21st, 2023 release, IGN got some hands-on time with Pikmin 4, and they captured a ton of new gameplay. You can check out how the game is coming along above!

Meet Pikmin: small, plantlike creatures with distinct abilities that you can grow, pluck, guide, and overpower enemies with! Use your Pikmin’s miniature might (and a bit of strategy) to explore this mysterious planet in search of your crew—and treasure.

Three stages of Pikmin stand side by side, each with something growing from the stem on their heads: a budding Blue Pikmin, a flowering Yellow Pikmin, and a leafy Red Pikmin.

To succeed, you’ll have to balance caring for the Pikmin with leading them into dangerous situations. Do your best out there!

Two Red Pikmin, a Yellow Pikmin, a Blue Pikmin, and a Winged Pikmin move in a line.The Red Pikmin towards the back of the line has tripped forward onto their face.

Pikmin grow from pellets and wildlife that you can bring to your ship. Pluck them from the ground to have them join you. Go team!

Lead your squad through vast explorable areas to find treasures, discover new paths, and battle enemies of all sizes. You can also direct the Pikmin to collect and carry resources that are helpful for your mission. Up to three Pikmin types can be with you in the field at a time—the rest will hang back until you need them.

When their task is done, the Pikmin will wait in place for you. Get close and blow your whistle to summon them to your side! This handy action can also help you protect the Pikmin from danger, do a headcount, or simply bring them with you to your next task.

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