
The Game Boy Color has been seeing a resurgence in recent months, with multiple new games revealed for the portable. That show of appreciation is set to continue, as yet another project is aiming to release for the platform, and the Kickstarter for it is coming soon.

Atavist Games is working on The Fallen Crown, a Metroidvania for the Game Boy Color. You will create many shortcuts in an interconnected world, while acquiring new skills and gear to reach new areas. You will wield daggers, staves, axes, throwing daggers or the classic sword and board, engaging in visceral combat. However, you will also have to be quick on your ‘feet’. You’ll find yourself jumping off of ledges, pouncing on enemy heads and shooting projectiles more in line with classic platformers like Super Mario Bros. or Megaman.

You take control of a nameless undead warrior with no memory of his past. Inexplicably drawn to The Tower, you are flung to the depths below before you are able to breach its walls. Now, you must recover your body as well as the memories of your long-forgotten past.

American developer and artist Larson Kilstrom / Atavist Games is the developer and pixel artist of the game, which will be published and distributed by Broke Studio. If you’d like to support the game via Kickstarter, you can sign up for notifications here.

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