
As you all know, Twitter has been in considerably rough shape since Elon Musk took over. There’s been a lot of worry about where Twitter will be in a month’s time, much less a year. With all the concern out there, a number of other companies have decided to create Twitter competitors. Without a doubt, the biggest of those has launched today.

For those who don’t know, Meta has been working on a competitor to Twitter that’s called Threads. From what we can gather, it’ll mostly offer the same experience as Twitter, but with a few other bells and whistles. There’s still a lot to be learned about what Threads will offer and if people will adopt, but I guess that time starts now for GoNintendo!

While we’ll continue to Tweet as usual, we’re also going to give things a shot on Threads. Again, this will be a learning process for us, but we’re certainly willing to give it a try. If you’re interested in seeing how our Threads experiment goes, you’ll be able to follow our official Threads account through this link (

We’ll be learning the ropes as the weeks continue, and hopefully it won’t be too much of a process. Thanks for all those who decide to jump in!

About rawmeatcowboy


GoNintendo's founder, and bearded wonder. Although his beard is a little greyer nowadays, RMC is more than ready to tackle news and features. When not playing/talking/writing about games, RMC enjoys comic books, pro wrestling, anime, and more.

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Comments (4)


1y ago

Horray! Threads seems pretty alright so far! Still a little simple, but no complaints from me!


1y ago

What a time to be alive! Let's see how this Threads thing goes!


1y ago

The quicker Twitter can be buried in the past, the better. See y’all on Threads!


1y ago

Who even uses Twitter nowadays?