There aren’t many games like LIVE A LIVE.

This one of a kind RPG forgoes the typical epic story in favor of an anthology - eight digestible adventures set across different eras of history, each with their own setting, characters and mechanics.

It’s ambitious, experimental and utterly brilliant… and it has an incredible soundtrack too. But this isn’t surprising when you consider its heritage. The original LIVE A LIVE, on which the new HD-2D remake is based, was directed by the talented Takashi Tokita (CHRONO TRIGGER, PARASITE EVE), with music from the legendary composer Yoko Shimomura.

Both have returned for this version, with Tokita-san acting as producer and Shimomura-san supervising the stellar new arrangements of her original tracks. Along with the full development team, they’ve created an incredible game… and now we can find out about the games that made them.

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