
The upcoming Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion, Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames, arrives on August 11, 2023. It features more than 190 cards, including newly discovered Pokémon from the Paldea region, Pokémon ex, Tera Pokémon ex—some of which have had their types shifted—and a slew of new Trainer and Special Energy cards. Even more Pokémon and Trainers appear as illustration rare cards, which showcase dazzling artwork that really brings these characters to life.

Before the expansion officially lands, let’s stoke the flames and explore a few of the cards that are just waiting to ignite the passion of fans everywhere in Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames. You can get a sneak peek at some of what this expansion pack has to offer in a feature.

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1y ago

As someone who just recently got back into collecting Pokémon cards, that art is incredible and I fear it’ll be quite costly