
The gaming side of the internet lost its collective mind when Nintendo revealed Everybody 1-2-Switch!. Rumors of the game’s existence swirled online for roughly a year before Nintendo confirmed the project in a rather unceremonious way. Instead of announcing the game through a Nintendo Direct or a special video, we all learned about Everybody 1-2-Switch! via a tweet from Nintendo. No trailers, no screenshots, just a simple tweet with release date information and that was about it.

As to be expected, gamers had a field day with just about every piece of Everybody 1-2-Switch!’s reveal. People were claiming Nintendo had no faith in the title, and it was being sent out to die. The fact that a trailer and screenshots weren’t showcased furthered that idea, and plenty of people wrote the game off the very second Nintendo’s tweet came out. A disappointing thing to see, but that’s the way the internet works.

As the weeks rolled on, Nintendo spotlighted Everybody 1-2-Switch! through a handful of special promo videos, a variety of screenshots and lifestyle pics, and hands-on impressions. Whether those promotions stirred up interest is anyone’s guess, but its all a moot point now, as the game is available both physically and digitally now for people to give a go. I’ve personally spent time with the title and its numerous mini-games, and I’ve found that Everybody 1-2-Switch! is nowhere near as bad as the backlash would have you believe.

I, for one, welcome our new party overlords
I, for one, welcome our new party overlords

Everybody 1-2-Switch!, much like its predecessor, was doomed from the start with some crowds. There are gamers out there who’ll see a project like this and dismiss it instantly. Everything from the presentation to the mini-game design serves as a giant red flag to some, and they recoil in disgust from what they see. Of course, I find that kind of reaction is a gross exaggeration, but some people can’t fathom the idea of “to each their own.”

All that said, Everybody 1-2-Switch! isn’t for everyone. This package is very much aimed at a family-friendly audience, and inclusion is extremely important. That’ll be a major turn-off for some gamers, and that’s totally fine. The important thing to remember is that Everybody 1-2-Switch! has a right to exist. There are people out there who aren’t familiar with traditional game controllers like the Joy-Con, nor do they have any points of contact with mainstream gaming. Everybody 1-2-Switch! is meant to be a welcoming party game for all ages and skill levels, and there’s something to really appreciate about that.

Targeting those expanded audience gamers definitely comes at a price, as the mini-games included in Everybody 1-2-Switch! aren’t expansive or deeply enthralling. Again, that’s not to say there’s anything wrong with short and sweet experiences. Everybody 1-2-Switch! is a pick-up-and-play game that should be played in small bursts, and it keeps everything moving quickly. Whether you like or dislike the games that come up in Everybody 1-2-Switch!, you’ll never spend too much time with them before the next activity comes along.

It's like Muscle March, but with more clothing
It's like Muscle March, but with more clothing

Again, much like the original 1-2-Switch, with Everybody 1-2-Switch! you get a collection of mini-games that are both hit and miss. Games like ‘Color Shoot’ or ‘Quiz Show’ can be a lot of fun to return to multiple times, as there are unique wrinkles that change up the action with each revisit. Then there are mini-games like ‘Hip Bump’ that are a little too thin for their own good, and you won’t get much enjoyment from them. By and large, the activities in Everybody 1-2-Switch! can provide a decent amount of fun, but there’s nothing here that’s going to absolutely blow your mind. I don’t think anyone was expecting an unbelievable experience from this game, but obviously no one would be complaining if that were the case.

What I will say is that Everybody 1-2-Switch! surprised me with a few of its games, as playing them ended up being more fun than I expected. One example is ‘Ninjas,’ which was showcased in the first gameplay promo video for Everybody 1-2-Switch!. Seeing it in action in that video presentation left me feeling like it would be a game I’d skip over, but actually playing it proved quite the opposite. All it involves is one person throwing shuriken and another swatting them down with a katana, but with a measured approach, gameplay can become quite the stand-off, making for a really fun and competitive experience.

It’s also nice to see how Everybody 1-2-Switch! uses its two methods of control to present different kinds of gameplay. For those who don’t know, Everybody 1-2-Switch! allows for smartphone play alongside Joy-Con play. Setting up a smartphone for play is a quick and painless process, and definitely makes for a lower barrier to entry for those who don’t normally play games. There are plenty of games that let you use either smartphone or Joy-Con, but going one route or the other will also present select titles that can only be played with one of the control options.

Just don't ask me to double dutch
Just don't ask me to double dutch

All of this is wrapped up in what feels like a highly-polished presentation. While Everybody 1-2-Switch! might not be the deepest game you’ll find on Switch, it certainly seems like Nintendo still put a lot of care into the package. Every single menu comes to life with vivid colors and animations. The rules for methods of input and directions for each game are extremely easy to understand. The sound design and transitions between rounds feels fun and slick. I was honestly impressed with the attention to detail on display, which helped to make Everybody 1-2-Switch! feel a bit more like a high-profile release.

While the games are a mix of fun and flawed and the presentation is rather substantial, neither amount to the most important element of Everybody 1-2-Switch!. Without a doubt, your enjoyment of the game is going to come from those around you, and the same is true for any digital or physical party game. If you surround yourself with a group of family and friends who are up for giving anything a go and don’t mind putting themselves out there, you could genuinely have a blast with Everybody 1-2-Switch!. If the people around you are somewhat shy or close-minded, Everybody 1-2-Switch! is one you’ll probably want to skip.

Everybody 1-2-Switch! is a package tailor-made for someone like me. I have a group of family and friends who range from somewhat reserved to completely out there, and mixing them together results in the perfect kind of party atmosphere. I’ve got a very long history with party games akin to Everybody 1-2-Switch!, and we’ve returned to many of them time and time again. When the right group of people comes together and the mood hits, something like Everybody 1-2-Switch! can be the perfect way to get people smiling. We don’t mind acting like idiots, and we’ll make memories that’ll last us a lifetime.

Once friends, now bitter rivals
Once friends, now bitter rivals

What you get out of Everybody 1-2-Switch! depends on what you put into it. Yes, there are better party games out there, and some of them are available on Switch. No, Everybody 1-2-Switch! isn’t going to be for all types of gamers. That said, you probably have a very good idea of what you and those around you will enjoy when it comes to multiplayer gaming. For me, Everybody 1-2-Switch! is a fine package that brings with it plenty of laughs and entertainment. For you, as long as you’ve got the right crowd, Everybody 1-2-Switch! could be a surprising amount of fun.

About rawmeatcowboy


GoNintendo's founder, and bearded wonder. Although his beard is a little greyer nowadays, RMC is more than ready to tackle news and features. When not playing/talking/writing about games, RMC enjoys comic books, pro wrestling, anime, and more.

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Comments (5)


1y ago

The thing that made 1-2 Switch fun was the use of the joycons in cool and surprising ways. Is that also in this game or are all games made to be able to play as well with a phone?


1y ago


There are some games that are Joy-Con only, and there are some fun uses. Honestly, I think some of the smartphone-only games use the features of those devices in even better ways!


1y ago


Huh, that's interesting... Sounds like something I could try with the kids at least. Thanks for the review!


1y ago


I honestly think kids would have a blast with it, or at least they could. Let me know how it goes!


12M ago

I think the thing we all want to know is... does playing this game make you a "Dorkus Malorkus"?