Over in Japan, a crowdfunding campaign took place to bring On Air!, a mobile game, over to the Switch. The campaign ended up being an incredible success, bringing in 186% of the funding goal. Obviously, this means the Switch port is a lock, and the crowdfunding campaign still has over a month left to bring in more cash!

With so much time left and crowdfunding going so well, here’s the stretch goals that remain ahead.

  • 30 million Yen: all voiced lines from the mobile game will be implemented, and Unit Story DLC (also fully voiced) will be created
  • 40 million Yen: previously unvoiced Event Stories will receive voice acting, and the “On Air! 3rd Anniversary Store” limited scenario will be remade and fully voiced

The base game includes the following:

  • Main Story
  • Side Stories
  • Event Stories
  • Off-record Stories
  • Character Sporties
  • Spot Talks
  • Home Screen and Home Voices
  • New Stories

Unfortunately, we don’t know if On Air! will be localized at this time, but hopefully a confirmation comes in soon.


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