Masahiro Sakurai is back with another installment in his game development video series. This time around, he’s shared a video that fits into the ‘Grab Bag’ category.

In this video, Sakurai dives deep into what happened behind the scenes when Super Smash Bros. Brawl was first revealed; he said that when Nintendo first revealed it back in E3 2005, Sakurai was as surprised as the rest of us as no one told him anything about Smash getting a new entry. He was later approached by the then-president of Nintendo Satoru Iwata, who asked him if he was willing to develop the new entry or not. If Sakurai declined, Mr. Iwata’s backup plan was to take Super Smash Bros. Melee add online elements to it, and release it for the Wii.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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12M ago

AND he talks about the future of Smash! Saying that he can't see someone but him make it and that he still wants to work with Nintendo in any kind of way. That's good news that should be mentioned in this post! X3


12M ago


It's indeed newsworthy.

In the past, I thought it was time for a new director for the Smash series, but now, I'm not so sure anymore.


12M ago


About that:

I don’t see how they can top ultimate anyway. Honestly at this point I would like to see a DX version with another round of characters and balance updates.

I do think that Sakurai-san hadn't really thought about a successor as I feel like getting the game out the door to finish up the last of the irons Iwata-dono had in the fire took precedence. After all the game was sorta his and Iwata-dono's baby and he hadn't been really thinking much further than that; especially since Sora Ltd is basically him as a contractor. No real reason to train someone when you are essentially a contractor unless you are going to turn it into a full business, and I don't think Sakurai-san has any interest in doing that (with him being semi retired). And Smash is a licensing nightmare to boot.


12M ago


Yeah I think they shouldn't even try to "top" it, just make another good Smash and maybe mix it up. There is a lot they can do still. But it will be weird and painful to not have everyone back again. But that has already happened several times. I also think they should release the game again on the next console with everything already in the game and better online. Then they could easily just have another DLC pack.