After 10 years of production and hundreds of hours of footage, EarthBound USA is finally complete, set for release on November 27th 2023.

It’s a movie about discovering the power of online community set in the burgeoning Wild West of Web 1.0, butting heads with corporate goliaths and your own looming adulthood, and your fan site becoming the cult behind one of the most infamous cult classic videogames of all time.

EarthBound USA began life in 2013 as a passion project started by writer & director Jazzy Benson. Inspired by the internet folklore surrounding EarthBound ’s U.S. fanbase, and from hearing the insider stories behind Starmen.Net’s legendary petitions and letter-writing campaigns, Jazzy aimed to create a documentary that evokes the atmosphere and environments of a passionate fan community growing up online from one decade to the next.

This independent feature-length documentary of epic proportions was a featured component of Fangamer’s “You Are Now EarthBound” Kickstarter in 2014. Over the years the production staff grew from one to seven people, and the team worked to track down the story of EarthBound ’s release and revival by speaking with the unique voices that experienced it firsthand. Interviews with the game’s creator, former Nintendo employees, members of the 90s gaming press, and the webmasters and community behind Starmen.Net, have been combined with period-appropriate sets, quirky performances, and fast and surprising narrative techniques to present over 20 years of history and personal connections.

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