
If you’re a Nintendo fan, you’ve no doubt heard the scuttlebutt. Rumors of a Switch successor are starting to heat up, and supposed inside sources are saying that Nintendo could be cooking up something for as early as next year. Of course, Nintendo has remained typically tight-lipped about all of this.

At this point, very, VERY few people know when a Switch successor is coming, and they’re keeping their mouths shut. That leaves the rest of us common folk to wonder not only if a Switch successor is coming, but if now is the time for it to arrive.

With those questions in mind, IGN has reached out to numerous devs and analysts to get their thoughts on the matter. Not surprisingly, there’s a bit of a mixed response on the questions. Some feel it’s time for Nintendo to wheel out a Switch successor, while others think there’s life left in the platform.

Circana executive director and analyst Mat Piscatella spoke up on the matter of Switch successor timing, saying 2024 seems like the time for Nintendo to strike if they want momentum on their side.

“Given the current sales trajectory of Switch hardware (which, outside of the launch of Tears of the Kingdom has been trending downwards since peaking in 2020) I think the 2024 timing is optimal to ensure a successful generational transition. Could they extend it another year, and release a new platform in 2025? Sure, but it would really put them in a tough share position through holiday 2024 and early 2025, especially with the improved momentum of PlayStation 5 and impact of potential additions to the Game Pass offering on Xbox Series devices.”

[Circana executive director and analyst Mat Piscatella]

Of course, this is all just speculation and conjecture, and Piscatella is very much aware of that. That’s why it’s great to hear him follow up his predictions with a refreshingly honest and straightforward statement all Nintendo fans can appreciate.

“This is Nintendo, the perhaps hardest to gauge game company in the world – god knows what they are really thinking.”

[Circana executive director and analyst Mat Piscatella]

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Comments (6)


12M ago

The worst they could do is release the next console without a constant stream of system sellers. With no new and "Switch 2" exlusive Zelda, Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Pokémon, 2D Mario, Smash Bros. and Metroid games on the horizon a 2024 release would be madness.

I can totally see them bringing the next 3D Mario as a launch title but the Switch's success was due to both a fantastic launch game in the form of BotW and Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as follow-ups while Xenoblade 2 and Odyssey rounded out the year.


12M ago


Nintendo have obviously learned from past mistakes. Just look at how they are keeping the Switch alive. The last Direct with a brand new Mario game is a good sign for that. So not abandon the ship like with the Wii!
Pretty sure they have done a lot of thinking after the WiiU launch too and know hoe damn well the Switch did with BOTW at launch (and damn good marketing).
Rumours are out and about that Mario Kart 9 will be a launch title, and if (most probably) the Switch is BC then the transition would be easier too (not that BC helped WiiU much).


12M ago


After Nintendo botched the 3DS's release I also thought that they've learned their leasson, but then the Wii U debacle happened...
I hope you're right though and MK9 would certainly be the best possible launch title. However, I don't know how many players would be willing to buy a new console for it since MK8 is still getting more and more tracks.


12M ago


I'll be frank here! Iwata is dead (sadly) and a new leadership is on top who are obviously a lot more aggressive in marketing that Iwata was.
It's obvious they have learned from past mistakes.
BTW 3DS was released in 2011 and Switch in 2017. I don't see how they can be compared apart from they obviously have learned from past mistakes which is showing.

Will they go further with that with the Switch 2? We'll have to wait and see of course.


12M ago


Nah, I'm not comparing the 3DS and the Switch. I'm just still puzzled how Nintendo managed to botch the 3DS's launch in 2011 and then the same bloody thing happened in 2012 with the Wii U.


12M ago


Well Iwata saved the 3DS which turned out to be rather successful, but the U... Well seems like they learned their lesson. Just look at the Switch.
Seems like they thought they could just ride the Wii name with WiiU, but that sure didn't work as we all know =D