
Earlier this week, we reported on an unnamed Nintendo employee who filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board. The complaint stated that Nintendo, along with a firm it uses for hiring contractors, violated their legally protected right to unionize. Nintendo has has shared an official statement with us on the matter, and you can read it in full below.

We are aware of the claim, which was filed with the National Labor Relations Board by a contractor who was previously terminated for the disclosure of confidential information and for no other reason. Nintendo is not aware of any attempts to unionize or related activity and intends to cooperate with the investigation conducted by the NLRB.

Nintendo is fully committed to providing a welcoming and supportive work environment for all our employees and contractors. We take matters of employment very seriously.

[PR email]

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2+ y ago

Interesting. As far as I'm concerned this is between Nintendo, the NLRB and this contractor. Same as with the ex-Nintendo employee complaining about their experience with the company. We simply don't have the information needed to make a judgment, one way or the other.


2+ y ago

Oh no. Someone’s uncle got fired.