
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is already filled with an incredible amount of content, but there’s more on the way in just a couple of months.

Revealed in a tweet, we now know that songs from Bravely Default I and II will be seeing release in Theatrhythm Final Bar Line on Oct. 11th, 2023. The lineup of songs is as follows:

  • The Horizon: Endless Light and Shadow
  • That of the Name
  • The Evil Wings
  • Uroboros, the Serpent That Devours the Horizon
  • Spurred into Flight, Drenched and Fallen - The Night Rises
  • The Ones Who Gather Stars in the Night

These tunes will be included as part of Season Pass 3, which will include 30 different tracks when completed. As of right now, it includes the SaGa Pack Vol. 3 (7 tracks), Mana Pack Vol. 2 (6 tracks) and Xenogears Pack (3 tracks).

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12M ago

YES! I was hoping they would include BD songs in the third season pass!