Resident Evil 2 Remake is the best-selling Resident Evil game ever

Soon to be topped by RE 2 Remake Remake

03 August 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 4

The original Resident Evil 2 was an incredibly popular entry in Capcom’s long-running franchise, but now there’s another installment that’s even more popular…sort of.

Capcom’s updated list of million-sellers has revealed that Resident Evil 2 Remake has sold a whopping 12.6 million units so far. That’s an absolutely staggering achievement, and that total is good enough to make Resident Evil 2 Remake the best-selling Resident Evil game of all-time. Looks like Capcom’s plan to release remakes for the mainline Resident Evil entries is an incredibly smart one.

While a native port of Resident Evil 2 Remake isn’t available on Switch, you can still enjoy the title through Resident Evil 2 Cloud. This version is 25% off until Aug. 8th, 2023, dropping the price to $30. There’s even a free demo to grab in order to test things out and make sure your internet connection is up to the task.

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First off, thank you for the comment.

Second, I played the original all the way back when it came out on the PS1. Second, I purchased and played the remake as well. I can certainly offer more proof if you need, but I've talked about it at length on a few episodes of our podcast.

Last but not least, I am honestly wondering what I said in my post above shows that I have a 'scathing hatred' of remakes. I read through it 3 times over and I'm really at a loss. I would love some more insight on where you get that feeling of.

The only thing I think you might be referencing is my "sort of" comment. That wasn't meant as a knock against the RE2 Remake at all. That was a reference to how the original Resident Evil 2 and the 2019 remake have exactly the same name. There's no way to determine which version of Resident Evil 2 someone is talking about unless they clarify the year or say remake.

Honestly, that was the joke I was going for with that. I'm truly sorry if it came across another way, as that wasn't my intention. If there's anything else in the post that you read as misleading or shows off 'scathing hatred,' please let me know.


12M ago

Your scathing hatred of remakes is really showing in this post, fyi. It's pretty clear from your dismissal of RE2's remake as "just a remake" you've never played either. It's fine to not like them, it's not fine to dismiss something you haven't played and be judgmental about it.


12M ago


First off, thank you for the comment.

Second, I played the original all the way back when it came out on the PS1. Second, I purchased and played the remake as well. I can certainly offer more proof if you need, but I've talked about it at length on a few episodes of our podcast.

Last but not least, I am honestly wondering what I said in my post above shows that I have a 'scathing hatred' of remakes. I read through it 3 times over and I'm really at a loss. I would love some more insight on where you get that feeling of.

The only thing I think you might be referencing is my "sort of" comment. That wasn't meant as a knock against the RE2 Remake at all. That was a reference to how the original Resident Evil 2 and the 2019 remake have exactly the same name. There's no way to determine which version of Resident Evil 2 someone is talking about unless they clarify the year or say remake.

Honestly, that was the joke I was going for with that. I'm truly sorry if it came across another way, as that wasn't my intention. If there's anything else in the post that you read as misleading or shows off 'scathing hatred,' please let me know.

Edited 2 times


12M ago


Thank you for your response, but I actually think your apology is unnecessary. English isn't my first language and after listening to ridicule over the word scathing maybe I used the wrong one. What I'm meaning to say, is that it feels like you've had a targeted approach to disliking certain remakes, whilst praising others. Examples, in 2023 - 23 February - you claim a metroid remake is perfected despite being just a an HD reskin with almost no change to the game. Again in 2017 - 12 September - you say that samus returns is a brand new experience despite being a remake. February 2011 podcast, you are praising Nintendo for re-releasing Ocarina of Time so newer fans can play. Around the same time you praise remakes of Starfox, and Kid Icarus. You have praised Wii U re-releases on Switch constantly. But you say RE2 and RE remakes isn't something you'd rather that Capcom focuses on going forward.

You have to understand that 800 people worked on RE2, MANY of which were fans of the original and have grown up wanting to do exactly that. It is a homage to the original, and several of them even worked on the original and the new. Your recent attacks on it in the podcast by saying "I understand that management wants us to to it" are very disheartening to hear, it comes across as anti-labor which I know is coming across from US news right now. You have to understand RE2 was made by the second studio, not the primary which are the "money" division of Capcom. It has many passion projects, born of desire, we are alloted time to work on personal projects which is what started RE2. It is what Mikami wanted. You again state in a recent podcast you prefer capcom don't remake old titles again. Please understand this is the dream of the original makers, the new studio, and the fans.

You can browse public data on steamcharts for sales, players. It is ballparked that more than half of steam accounts with RE2 are younger than when RE2 Original was released, and more than %99 of players were not of age when RE2 was first released. This and the new remakes and all the coming are doing exactly what the originals did, telling a story for people who want to play the games.


12M ago


It sounds like you are upset with his personal opinion on remakes (although it sounds like you are misconstruing that as well), and not any one thing he wrote in the article, so your criticism seems unfair.