Addressing IGN's Pikmin 4 controversy

Was IGN in the wrong?

07 August 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 10

Last week, as I was making my way through news rounds, I noticed a few corners of the internet talking about the most recent episode of the IGN Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast, and not in a good way.

Turns out a decent number of IGN NVC fans were somewhat upset about how the gang at IGN were talking about Pikmin 4. While the crew loved the game, they seemed to believe that it wasn’t selling well at all. As a matter of fact, one person in the crew believed the situation to be so dire that we’d never see the release of a Pikmin 5.

Having heard this discussion, I was honestly quite confused. If anything, I had seen that Pikmin 4 was blowing away the sales of all previous installments, at least out of the gate. Rather than let the comments stand, I figured I’d do a little research and offer a rebuttal to what IGN had discussed in their podcast. I grabbed some data, put together a few notes, and then shared my response in the latest episode of the GoNintendo Podcast. You can hear that entire segment in the snippet above!

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Comments (10)


12M ago

I know you didn't really want to start a beef with IGN, which I think I think is a perfectly fine, but I'm glad you made a rebuttal. Based on faulty and limited information a journo came to a conclusion that even his own peers didn't support, and IGN made that conclusion into a shock headline for clicks. It's a headline that might even convince uneducated gamers that Pikmin 4 is bad or a faulure. This sort of journalism shouldn't be happening anymore.

But thank you for those numbers, RMC. I'm a big Pikmin fan and I'm happy to hear how well it's doing.


12M ago


“As a matter or fact”
Just a typo here. Should be “of” not “or”.

Great segment! If only more people called out this kind of click bait.


12M ago

Oppenheimer is seriously underperforming. Sounds like Christopher Nolan is toast!
(Source: I overheard some guy say that at a bar)


12M ago


Everything said in bars are scientific facts and you're an idiot if you don't agree.


12M ago

If it’s any consolidation, comments on IGN and YouTube for their podcast episode are majority of the same mindset as you RMC. Plenty “WTF, the game is selling buckets” kind of comments.

jason thompson

12M ago

IGN's opinions are often very different from the average Nintendo fan's opinion.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but those who say something plain stupid should also be called out on it.


12M ago

Maybe they just followed up on what Miyamoto shared about Pikmin sales (in general) a little while ago?

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12M ago

I remember when Polygon said that Mario Kart 8 on Switch would be the worst selling in series history.

That was funny. But at the same time, it’s just someone’s dumb opinion. Everyone has a stupid take once and awhile. My question is, why does anyone care? It’s laughable to even call it a controversy. I don’t see the need to address anything.

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12M ago

I dunno how Pikmin 4 is selling, but I'm sure most Pikmin fans don't know what IGN is.