Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles' 20th anniversary celebrated with new art

The game that brought Nintendo and Square back together

08 August 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 1

While Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles may not be the biggest or most important Final Fantasy game in the franchise’s history, it’s an incredibly important one to gaming history.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was the market of Nintendo and Square Enix working together again, as the two had moved away from one another due to bad blood during the N64 era. This led to a very lengthy drought of Square Enix titles on Nintendo hardware, but thankfully the late, great Satoru Iwata patched things up for a return during the GameCube era with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Since that pairing, Nintendo and Square Enix have been best of friends. We’ve even seen a number of FFCC spin-offs, a re-release on the Switch of the original game, and plenty of FFCC tunes popping up in the Theatrhythm series. All that’s come about in the last two decades, and now Square Enix is celebrating the original FFCC on its 20th anniversary.

The artwork at the top of this post was created by Square Enix collaborator Toshiyuki Itahana, and it features numerous characters from the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles franchise. Diehard fans will spot characters from GameCube, Wii, DS, and WiiWare installments, proving just how expansion FFCC really is. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the next mainline entry or spin-off!

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12M ago

I wish they would rerelease/remake the single player game The Crystal Bearers from the Wii.