The story with Cat Girl Without Salad just gets stranger and stranger. From April Fools’ Day joke to real game, and then to physical release, I thought for sure we’d seen every weird avenue explored. Turns out I was wrong!

A new video has been released by WayForward and Limited Run Games to promote Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche, the new physical release for the game on Switch. This video offers a faux interview with Kebako, the female lead of the game.

As you might expect, the entire interview is tongue-in-cheek and quite nonsensical. That said, it’s a fun little feature to spread the word on Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche in general. Give it a watch above!

If this whole store has left you thoroughly confused, check out our interview with WayForward that explains what Cat Girl Without Salad is all about!

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2+ y ago

I was just listening to that. Very strange location they picked for that.