If you want to play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles online, there’s a very easy way to do so. All you have to do is grab a copy of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition for Switch and you’re set, as that modernized release includes online play. Bringing the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles online is impossible, as that version was build just for local multiplayer…or so we thought.

The gang at Bork Yeah Games are absolutely massive fans of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and they wanted to do something special to celebrate the game’s 20th anniversary. Rather than hop online with their Switches to play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition, they wanted to find a way to play the original GameCube release online. While that may seem impossible at first, with the right hardware and technical know-how, the impossible has become a reality.

In the video above, you can see the absolute monstrosity that Bork Yeah Games cooked up to bring their wacky idea to fruition. The setup includes four Game Boy Players, four GameCubes, a Wii running Crystal Chronicles, a program called Parsec, and a variety of adapters to make it all happen…and somehow it works. Many people found the original setup for local multiplayer FFCC to be cumbersome, but those requirements seem like a drop in a bucket compared to this!

If you’d like to learn more about how this project came together and what it took to get everything working, you can check out this IGN feature.


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12M ago

But will RMV finally finish it with the gang?
