
The Pokémon Trading Card Game has been around for decades, and cards have been continually released through expansions and more over the years. There have been roughly 15k Pokémon cards created and published so far, and it should be no surprise that The Pokémon Co. regrets some of the ideas they’ve come up with.

Atsushi Nagashima, Game Director of Creatures Inc., recently spoke about a number of topics related to the Pokémon TCG. In particular, Nagashima was asked if there was a card he really regretted giving the greenlight. While Nagashima admitted there’s “so many” he can’t event mention them all, he did call out one card in particular.

Out of all the cards released so far, Nagashima particularly regrets Seismitoad EX, a card from the 2014 expansion Furious Fists. This is due to Seismitoad EX’s Quaking Punch card, which prevented an opponent from using Items on their next turn. If this card was used in conjunction with a Garbador card that prevented abilities and the Hypersonic Laser card that poisoned and confused opponent Pokémon, the opposing player was pretty much dead in the water.

Seismitoad EX has a very unintended impact on the TCG meta, and it’s easy to see why Nagashima wishes it never happened.

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12M ago

Why would you not post a picture of the card? ._.
Also, if he regrets it then why are there two versions with the same move!?

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