No Man’s Sky originally launched all the way back on Aug. 9th, 2016, and it was met with a considerable amount of criticism at that time. It seemed the gang at Hello Games had overpromised and underdelivered, which resulted in a huge wave of excitement being swept away to make room for serious disappointment.

Rather than take their lumps and slink away, Hello Games set out to turn things around for No Man’s Sky. The team got right back to work updating the game, slowly adding in everything they had originally promised and more. As the years rolled on, No Man Sky became the game everyone was originally expecting on day one, and then way more than ever imagined.

To celebrate the game’s journey over these 7 years, Hello Games has put out a new trailer that looks back at everything and anything that happened with the title throughout its development. There’s been an insane amount of content added to the game, and there’s plenty more to explore in the years to come.

Speaking of ‘more to come,’ this trailer also includes some sort of tease for the game’s next big update. All we really get is the word ‘ECHOES,’ but with no explanation. Looks like we’ll have to hang tight to hear more on this!

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