
While the Pokémon Co. has slowed down the creation of brand-new Pokémon in recent years, the company still very much creates new creatures with each mainline installment. It looks like that’s a tradition that’s going to continue from here on out.

Takato Utsunomiya, the Chief Operating Officer of The Pokémon Company, recently answered a bunch of different questions about the Pokémon franchise, which is when the topic of new Pokémon came up. Utsunomiya was asked if Pokémon Co. would ever pull back or stop creating fresh Pokémon designs, and he made it very clear that won’t be the case.

“I think that Game Freak needs to have that ability or that kind of development capability to always be producing new creatures and coming up with new ideas,” Utsunomiya responded via a translator. “And if they didn’t have that ability or that development capability, then it would be difficult to continue Pokemon through all these generations. As new generations of people come to work on the games and they’ll have new ideas for new creatures, we’re able to continue creating new Pokemon. Right now we’re over a thousand. But if you think about how many living creatures there are in our world, there’s something over hundreds of thousands, I would think, we probably still have a long way we can keep going.”

[Takato Utsunomiya, the Chief Operating Officer of The Pokemon Company]

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Comments (4)


11M ago

I mean what else would the Pokémon Co make? Would be a bit weird to call yourself that and start a bakery business


11M ago

I mean what else would the Pokémon Co make? Would be a bit weird to call yourself that and start a bakery business

I think they mean they will make new Pokemon, not just make new Pokemon games. Like, continue creating creatures.


11M ago


Don't worry. I got that. I just thought it would be be strange if they were to suddenly stop despite thier name