
Many people have been wondering just how much work Konami is putting into Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1. It’s lovely to have a collection of Metal Gear games on Switch, but when it comes to fine-tuning and bells and whistles, what can fans expect? Well, a new wave of details out today has tempered expectations.

According to various hands-on reports, the Switch version of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is going to run all of these games at 1080p when docked and 720p in handheld. That’s as good as things get on Switch, but it’s important to note that this is the target resolution. That means things could dip in particular complex scenes.

When it comes to framerate, the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 on Switch is going to be targeting 30fps. This is a bit more disappointing, as other versions of this release will be set at 60fps. Considering the platforms these games were originally released on, there should be no reason why the Switch versions couldn’t hit 60fps.


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11M ago

Sounds like Switch is only getting lazy ports of the PS Vita MGS collection and Konami refuses to spend money for anything more but the extra bonus content the Vita versions didn't get.


11M ago

If this doesn't change before release, it is absolutely unacceptable. These ran at 60fps on PS3 and 360. The Switch is more than capable of doing it.


11M ago

Wow, somehow this is worse than the original with better hardware. Amazing how so many companies goof up on something that should arguably not even be a problem.


11M ago

The large download already turned me off, but this is just silly.