Making friends after moving to a new town can be a challenge. In the new four-part animated series Pokémon: Path to the Peak, that’s the case for Ava, a 13-year-old who’s just moved to a new town and finds herself missing her old life as she begins attending an unfamiliar school.

Despite her situation, Ava begins to open up and make friends when she joins her school’s Pokémon Trading Card Game club. It’s there that she discovers she has a natural talent for the game. Soon, she’s inspired to put herself to the test and see just how far her skills can take her and her Pokémon partner, Oddish.

Pokémon: Path to the Peak debuted at the 2023 Pokémon World Championships, and you can watch Ep. 3 now on Pokémon TV and the official Pokémon YouTube Channel. The episodes will release on the following schedule:

  • Episode 4: August 30, 2023

Tune in to see Ava develop her Pokémon TCG strategies as she travels the Path to the Peak!

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