Third century village remains found at Nintendo museum site

Making history while making history

22 April 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 3

As you may remember, Nintendo is working to build a historical museum that chronicle’s the company’s history. This museum is set to open sometime in 2024, but it turns out the museum itself is already making history!

During excavations at the Uji, Kyoto site, an amazing discovery was made. The remains of a Yayoi Period (early 3rd Century) village were discovered. In particular, remains of various pottery, as well as something that might be tied to rituals have been dug up.

Obviously these findings are going to slow progress of Nintendo’s museum, but I think we can all agree that a historical discovery like this is a bit more important! You can see a gallery of the findings here.

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Comments (3)


2+ y ago

You could say this is "A Link to The Past". 😉


2+ y ago


Well shit, I wish I thought of that reference!


2+ y ago

When these things happen, I always think: "Was there anything that got accidentally destroyed before they realized it? Is there any history that just got forever lost? And what about all the times they *don't* discover remains... could there be some of these times that are just that they never realized and it all got destroyed?"