
Chris Christodoulou is a composer who’s worked on a number of films, but he also tackled the amazing soundtrack to Risk of Rain 2. Much like the game itself, the soundtrack has received a ton of praise. Now we have some insight into how the incredible audio presentation came to be.

In an interview with Indie Game Fans, Chris was asked about his musical influences that helped create the style you hear in Risk of Rain 2. You can see his response below.

Risk of Rain 2 is heavily inspired by the prog and electronic music of the 70s (from King Crimson to Pink Floyd to Vangelis to Jean-Michel Jarre). That is not to say it is a pastiche—far from it. It evokes that music filtered by my own influences, sensibility and style. It is also standing firmly on the shoulders of the original Risk of Rain soundtrack, with many motifs, themes and even entire sections carrying over.

[Chris Christodoulou]

The music in Risk of Rain 2 fits so well with the action that people wonder how the soundtrack came to be. Was it created before the game existed? Did Chris get to see anything beyond concept art when composing for the title? In his answer below, Chris reveals how the body of work came together.

I composed Risk of Rain 2 parallel to the game’s development. I got to play a little bit, enough to understand how the game works and how it is different from (and/or similar to) the original. Then I went on with the compositions, separating them in level tracks and boss tracks, with the occasional auxiliary tracks (menu, cutscenes, etc.).

Chris has a lot more to say about the Risk of Rain 2 soundtrack, which you can read in the full interview.

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