
Nintendo had all sorts of fun things to do and see at Nintendo Live 2023, and it turns out they even had a special game to share for those who were at the big show. While Nintendo Live 2023 may be over now, that doesn’t mean the game is gone forever. All you need is a mobile device and you can play for free right now!

Nintendo and Niantic have teamed up to release Pikmin Finder, a simple AR game that has you scanning your environment for Pikmin, treasures and more. All you need to do is visit this link with your mobile device and scan the QR code in order to kick things off.

In order to play Pikmin Finder, make sure you’re in a space with a good amount of room to move around. Then you’ll scan the environment through your camera lens to find Pikmin. Once you find one, swipe up on their leaf to pluck them from the ground. Make sure you look high and low, as you never know where those Pikmin could be hiding!

Thanks to Carlos for the heads up!

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11M ago

But not in Sweden... region locking online is so dumb,