
In both Detective Pikachu and Detective Pikachu Returns, it’s Pikachu that takes the titular role as detective. Wondering if we could ever see another Pokémon slide into the detective role? Turns out the franchise’s director has an idea he’d like to implement.

Director Yasunori Yanagisawa spoke to about the upcoming Detective Pikachu Returns, but he also opened up about other Pokémon as well. Yanagisawa was asked if there’s another Pokémon he’d like to give the detective position to, and he answered with the diminutive Pichu.

According to Yanagisawa, seeing Pichu as a detective would make for a nice juxtaposition to Pikachu. In both Detective Pikachu games, Pikachu is modeled after a middle-aged man, so much so that the team actually got a middle-aged man to do motion capture for the game. If Pichu were appear in the lead role, he could take on the gig as a younger apprentice.

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