
You’ve no doubt heard the rumblings by now. For the last couple of weeks, word’s been flying around about another Nintendo Direct happening very soon. Nintendo Directs usually happen in September, so one creeping up on us isn’t exactly surprising, but Nintendo is yet to confirm any such event. That hasn’t stopped the leakers from sharing inside info, though.

Notorious Nintendo leaker Pyoro_X is back once again with another slew of leaks concerning the next Nintendo Direct, which is said to arrive sometime next week. Pyoro_X has a proven track record of being spot-on, most recently leaking details about Super Mario Bros. Wonder before it was revealed. Here’s what Pyoro_X has for the supposed upcoming Direct.

  • F-Zero for Switch, and this is not referring to a Switch Online GBA game release
  • something tied to Donkey Kong, may be Mario Vs. Donkey Kong
  • more info on the upcoming Princess Peach game
  • remakes of a DS and Wii game

Again, this is all rumored at this point, so take it with a grain of salt. That said, if a Direct is officially revealed next week, the chances of this leaked info being spot-on certainly climbs considerably.

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Comments (14)


11M ago

Regardless of any rumor, an F-Zero GX/AX-HD makes sense on every level. If they enhance the multiplayer (not just being online but being more compelling than the modes in X and GX) then that's another huge level on top of that.


11M ago

“Do I think there’ll be a direct? Well, where’s there’s smoke there’s fire.”

-RMC often, when direct rumors arise


11M ago

They're announcing the next console. It'll be 1000x more powerful than the PS5/XSX, be small enough that they'll sell bands so you can wear it as a watch, and be capable of running a game with full settings for 6 months on a single charge. When you wear it as a watch it'll project the screen directly to your eyes so it looks like there's a 100 inch screen in front of you.

They're also bringing new entries in EVERY dormant IP and they'll announce that they're remastering every Japan only release in their history for worldwide release available on launch day.

With that out of the way, I hope people have more realistic expectations if there is a direct.


11M ago


My sources can also confirm this


11M ago

Donkey Kong AND F-Zero!! Please GOD! PLEASE!!


11M ago

This Pyoro guy does have a pretty decent track record and an F-Zero of any sort should be very welcome in any shape or form.

Might have to get tickets to TGS...

cheesus 2

11M ago

I'm kind of over the Switch, I wanna see a Donkey Kong game on some next gen hardware


11M ago

I want to get suprised by this stuff and not say 'Huh, that Pyoro guy spoiled me again...'.


11M ago

Recent comments and likes from Pyoro seem to indicate that it’s probably F-Zero 99 and a new Mario vs. DK game with the minis. Pretty disappointing IMO but better to keep expectations low before the direct.


11M ago

If “99” meant racing on the same track in online multiplayer with 99 other players (especially in 3D) rather than a bunch of tiny windows of the SNES game that would be pretty neat though. But I’m not counting on it.


11M ago


Where you get this from?


11M ago


Pyoro responded to a person on Twitter asking “does it have the minis” with “yes”, and liked various posts saying “F-Zero 99”


11M ago



Yeah I heard about that just now. Not against an F-Zero 99, really, but I'll be watchin' the reactions if that's the case for some lulz.


11M ago


Please hide the rumored info...