
It’s been a couple of weeks since the 2023 World Championships concluded in Yokohama, Japan, but the energy of the event and the city surrounding it continues to percolate through our minds. Attending the competitive season’s capstone event is a unique experience that players across the world chase tirelessly for the entire year—plenty of friends, fans, and family make the trip just to spectate as well.

If you’re looking for a window into what it’s like to travel to the World Championships—whether you want to qualify for your own invitation in 2024 or visit and spectate all the fun—look no further than the 2023 Worlds Pikachu plush and its adventures at one of the most exciting World Championships yet!

If you’d like to see what the 2023 World Championships were like through the lens of Pikachu, you can find the travelogue here.

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