Throw Anything: Radiation Zombies is a 3D rogue-lite action game developed by Korean game company Visual Light that is coming to the Switch soon. The game was released in Steam Early Access on October 17th of last year.

Throw Anything: Radiation Zombies is an attempt by Visual Light to expand the world, platform, and genre they created with their first entry into their original series, Throw Anything. It’s a direct sequel that follows the same world and protagonist of the original game, Throw Anything, and is expanding from only VR to the Switch to bring in more gamers. In addition, it’s moving from the FPS system of the previous game to third person action to create a more thrilling environment.

In staying faithful to the rogue-lite genre, the game captures the fun of having to repeatedly fight off enemies, collect items, and develop a character while adding a fresh take on action as players must fight off the waves that pour in from all directions with their equipped arm units. A particular feature for players to enjoy is the character from the previous game meeting new NPCs as the world unfolds, watching the exciting storyline unfurls before them.


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