
Splatoon 3 has been updated to Ver. 5.0.1. You can see the full patch notes for this update below.


Changes to DLC

An Off the Hook banner is available from the lobby terminal. To collect your banner, you must first purchase and download the DLC content. Then start the Splatoon 3 game, visit the lobby terminal, and select Get Stuff.

Fixes to Player Controls

Fixed an issue that allowed players to climb unclimbable walls in rare cases when performing certain actions right after doing a Squid Roll from a wall.

Slightly adjusted the sounds the Heavy Edit Splatling makes while fully charged and while firing after being fully charged.

Fixed an issue that caused Trizooka wielders to appear as if they were overlapping with the Trizooka itself after doing a Squid Roll from a wall.

Fixes to Multiplayer

Fixed an issue in Wahoo World that prevented Zipcaster users from sticking to parts of the terrain in the center of the stage.

Fixed an issue in Shipshape Cargo Co. that sometimes caused players to be submerged in water when landing on certain spots on the stage.

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