The Super Mario Bros. Movie deleted scenes surface

Should these have made the final cut?

18 September 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is already chock-full of amazing moments that are jam-packed with references that longtime Mario and Nintendo fans are still analyzing. All of that is crammed into a rather brisk 92 minutes, which makes it no surprise to learn that some scenes and content ended up on the cutting room floor.

While the digital/home release for The Super Mario Bros. Movie gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the film and how it came together, even more previously-unseen content has hit the web. One of the animators on The Super Mario Bros. Movie has uploaded a few clips showcasing his work on the project, and it highlights a number of scenes and moments that didn’t make the film’s final cut.

The footage is a mix of elements in the final cut, some very minor differences from the theatrical release, and emotional scenes that were completely removed. Some of this stuff would have slotted in nicely into the final film, but the editors and higher-ups clearly felt it wasn’t worth the inclusion. Give these reels a watch and see if you think they made the right call.

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