
Just a couple of weeks back, eastasiasoft brought the anime-style JRPG Mugen Souls Z, sequel to cult favorite Mugen Souls, to the Switch. This version of the game is true to the original Japanese release, featuring all prior extras, such as hot springs mini-games, additional CG gallery images, and more.

While the game has released without issue in North America and Europe, our friends in Australia will have to import Mugen Souls Z if they want to play. It’s been confirmed that the game has been refused classification in Australia, meaning no official release will happen in that country. While no specifics on the classification denial were given, this block was without a doubt due to the Mugen Souls Z being an uncut, uncensored version of the heavily-edited release from years back.

This sequel to Mugen Souls features free-roaming battle maps in strategic turn-based combat, a level cap of 9999 and the ability to deal billions of hit points worth of damage. As Chou-Chou, you can charm enemies to transform them into shampuru minions, customize party members’ appearance and abilities, create new peons and much more!

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10M ago

The game is 16+ in Germany. Can someone tell me what's so bad about it?