
Vampire Survivors has been one of the biggest surprise hits in recent memory, coming out of the gate with little to no fanfare, but quickly finding an audience in the millions. With various console ports and the recent Switch release, the game’s popularity continues to grow, and there’s even more to look forward to in the years to come.

Poncle, the solo dev behind Vampire Survivors, answered some fan questions in a Reddit AMA, and a number of interesting topics were discussed. First up was the idea of online co-op, which the dev is currently investigating. That said, there’s no promise that this will come to fruition, as it’s a “massive undertaking.”

After that, we learn that there’s plenty more content planned for Vampire Survivors not just this year, but next as well. While Poncle didn’t go into specifics, he said that updates will continue to drop for Vampire Survivor “at least until the end of 2024.” Poncle went on to say that as long as fans continue to enjoy the game, he’ll keep working on content.

Last but not least, the question of a sequel was brought up. It doesn’t seem like Poncle has much interest in that path, as he “can just keep adding stuff to the main game,” and that’s the plan for the time being. That said, Poncle did note that, “If we ever make a sequel, it would have to be significantly different than the current game.”

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