You thought Square Enix was done with Switch strategy RPGs after the release of Triangle Strategy? Well think again, as the company has just revealed The DioField Chronicle, another strategy RPG coming to the system this year. Read on below for first details, as well as a link to the game’s official website.

Welcome to the world of DioField, a new strategy RPG that will take you on a journey of honour and political intrigue. In this fresh and gritty story, you will discover a unique blend of fantasy, medieval and modern-day influences, and an innovative combat system: Real-Time Tactical Battle. Surrounded by richly detailed environments in diorama-style visuals, you must think quickly and act strategically to lead your team to victory.

The official website for The DioField Chronicles includes character profiles, story info, screenshots, and more. You can visit the site through this link.

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Comments (4)


2+ y ago

Fire emblem clon, doesnt look that polished


2+ y ago

I guess Square Enix wants a slice of that Fire Emblem market eh?


2+ y ago

I love SRPGs, but I feel I need to see more here first. I really like the look, but the little we see of the "Real Time Tactical Battle" mechanics look pretty jank.

Have you ever played Fire Emblem? Even the little they show of the gameplay looks significantly different outside of sort of being in the same genre.