Atari is tapping into its horror roots with Haunted House, a roguelite revival of the first-ever survival horror game that made its debut on the Atari 2600 in 1982. Now reimagined as a stealth-horror adventure from Orbit Studio, you can get a detailed look at the game with a new video from Atari. This video features gameplay, as well as input from Producers Jason Polansky and Mark Perloff.

Spooky to its core and riddled with unexpected ghoulish charm, Haunted House draws inspiration from the classic while adopting modern characteristics, creating a unique 2D isometric horror experience where stealth and precise strategy trump the played-out jump scare.

In Haunted House, players take on the role of Lyn Graves, the niece of renowned treasure hunter Zachary Graves. When Lyn learns of her uncle’s disappearance, she and her friends head to his mansion to investigate, but before long, Lyn’s friends are also swept into the shadows. Players will navigate shifting walls, unpredictable enemy encounters, and all manner of ookie-spookie frights to guide Lyn back to her friends and put an end to the eerie ectoplasms that have infested the mansion. Should Lyn succumb to a sinister spirit, she’ll find herself back at the entrance of the haunted house, facing a completely new floor layout and rearranged enemies, guaranteeing a unique experience with each attempt.

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