Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert 2023 album releasing Oct. 25th, 2023

A sound investment for Monster Hunter fans

02 October 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Capcom’s Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert 2023 has already come and gone, but don’t feel too bad if you missed out. The company has revealed that an album of the concert is on the way, and it’s set to release Oct. 25th, 2023.

Capcom and Harmonics are teaming up for a physical/digital Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert 2023 album, and it’ll be priced at roughly $27. If you go with the physical version, you’ll get a special booklet that includes detailed explanations for each track included. The digital version will see release specifically on Japanese services Oct. 25th, with other platforms like iTunes seeing the album on Nov. 1st, 2023.

As of right now, it seems the only way to get the physical version of this album will be to import from Japan. If that changes, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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