
Nintendo is in the thick of it with the Switch’s successor. You know it, we know it, and everyone in the industry knows it. There’s no doubt Nintendo is aware of what the public is saying, but they’re not ready to pull back the curtain just yet.

In a new interview with Nikkei, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa had nothing to say about whatever hardware follows Switch. Instead, Nintendo’s president kept those cards close to his chest and chose to discuss the continuing support of Switch for years to come.

According to Furukawa, Nintendo will be focusing on the Switch in their current fiscal year, which will take them all the way to March 2024. Along with that, Nintendo will be supporting the Switch in the next fiscal year as well, which would take things up to March 2025. Of course, it’s easy to see the difference between 2024 ‘focus’ and 2025 ‘support,’ but we’ll have to remain patient until Nintendo feels like sharing specifics.

UPDATE: Here’s a translation of Furukawa’s comments on future Switch support, courtesy of VGC.

“We are still working on software for the Switch for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, we hope to sustain the momentum of Zelda and the [Super Mario Bros] movie, with focus on the holiday sales season. As for hardware, we will maximize not only new demand for the hardware, but also for those buying second consoles and replacements.”

[Shuntaro Furukawa]

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Comments (7)


10M ago

Regardless of what the successor is like, it’s basically a given that Switch 1 will continue getting support. You can expect support to last well after that too if Nintendo’s previous handhelds are an indication.


10M ago

I hope it means that Switch 2 will release in second half of 2024 but Switch 1 will still get support until at least 2025. A 6-12 month cross-gen period would be nice.


10M ago

Everyone: Switch 2 will come out for sure in 2021

Nintendo: We have no plans to release the next hardware

Everyone : Switch 2 will definitely come out in 2022

Nintendo : We have no plans to release next hardware

Everyone : Switch 2 will definitely come out in 2023

Nintendo : We are still making Switch games beyond 2024.

Everyone : Switch 2 will definitely come out in 2024

Nintendo : ...


10M ago

Just you wait when people will complain about games being limited by the Switch 1 support going into the release of the next console.


10M ago

Oh Nintendo have so learned from past mistakes.

Of course they will support it even after the successor is out. There's still some money to be made there.
The summer Direct was grwqt and eveb surprised me some, but the last one is showing it's getting leftovers and the big teams are working on the new device.
Wasn't TOTK the last real big Nintty game? Mario Wonder perhaps too.


10M ago


D-Don't forget about Metroid Prime 4! I'm sure it will release anytime soon! *nervous laughter*


10M ago


It's getting safer to say that it'll either be cross-gen or even a witch 2 exclusive by now. At least from the looks of the last Direct.

(Sorry for very late reply. Was on vacation)