
The Pokémon X Hatsune Miku collaboration has finally entered its musical phase. As previously reported, this collaboration, known as “Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs,” has been releasing themed artwork throughout the month. With all 18 illustrations now unveiled, we now enter the musical component of this collab.

The first song, “Volt Tackle,” by Vocaloid DECO*27 has been released, but the second tune will be making its debut in a matter of hours.

Available on Oct. 6th, 2023, Inabakumori will be releasing the song Electrical Forecast. Lyrics for this song were written by Inabakumori and Project Voltage, while Inabakumori handled the music creation on their own. On vocals, of course, will be none other than Hatsune Miku. Once the track goes live, you’ll be able to give it a listen below.

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