
Kit Ellis and Krysta Yang are most well-known to Nintendo fans as the hosts of Nintendo Minute, a video series Nintendo produced for a number of years. Kit and Krysta became two of the de-facto forward-facing people within Nintendo who would share news, comments and more on what was next from Nintendo, and fans were quick to follow along.

It’s now been 2 years since Kit and Krystal left Nintendo, but many fans know the duo continues to stay busy in the world of gaming. Kit and Krysta remained business partners through their Kit and Krysta Podcast/Patreon efforts, but that’s not all the pair is doing. The two form Nintendo employees have also opened Never A Minute Consulting, which is meant to help developers get attention for their upcoming games through marketing and more.

Some Nintendo fans might be surprised to see Kit and Krysta leaning into market consultations as a profession, but it actually makes a ton of sense when you learn more about what each did while at Nintendo. In an interview with Nintendo Life, Kit and Krysta reveals that Nintendo Minute was but a small sliver of what her and Kit did while with the Big N.

Ellis: “We both were leads at Nintendo shipping games that sold 30 million copies. I did Breath of the Wild, (Krysta) did Super Smash Bros. Ultimate…I was managing a team of 12 people.

Yang: Our main job was to launch games. It’s funny that externally people know us for Nintendo Minute. Frankly, if you look at our time spent at Nintendo, Nintendo Minute was [a] very small portion. I’m gonna say [it was] probably less than 5% of the work we did.”

[Krysta Yang]

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10M ago


"The two form Nintendo employees have also …" should be "The two former Ninendo employees have also…"