
As we prepare for the glorious gardens, graceful greenhouse, and dignified doors of Botany Manor to open, Whitethorn Games and developer Balloon Studios would like to offer you a special look at some of the clues that await you in Botany Manor, coming to Switch this Fall.

Set in a historical English homestead brimming with a lifetime of memorabilia and research to explore, you will uncover long-forgotten seeds and piece together clues as you solve puzzles to help each rare plant to grow. Some of these clues can be found throughout letters, poems, books, scientific data, and objects scattered all over the manor.

With each new clue, you’ll discover how to grow each long-forgotten flora. The clues are interactable, so you can turn bottles, flip over postcards, and examine each one closely as you unravel the puzzle. As clues are discovered, you can document them in your very own herbarium that you can access at any time as you uncover the mysteries surrounding these plants.

The enduring estate of Botany Manor is home to retired botanist Arabella Greene. After a long career, she has amassed a collection of rare, long-forgotten plants that require some research to help them live again. Play as Arabella and explore the stunning historic manor and its grounds to look for clues in her notes, books, posters, and items scattered around the residence to determine the correct set of circumstances to help the flora flourish. Unlock new seeds and plant them. Interactable items around the property that can be turned and flipped will provide information to help you solve each gardening puzzle, grow the plants, and discover their mysterious qualities.

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