
The Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder were front-and-center for the game’s reveal and certainly garnered a lot of attention. Fans have been wondering just what these talkative plants will have to say throughout the adventure, but unfortunately for Nintendo, some modders have already made the decision for them.

We won’t be sharing any of the videos or screenshots here, but you might have heard that modders have been going into leaked copies of Super Mario Bros. Wonder and messing around with the dialog. That includes the text bubbles for the Talking Flowers, and of course, the dialog is being changed from kid-friendly to rude, vulgar, and pretty much offensive in every way you could think of.

Nintendo knows that the vast majority of people who see these modded clips/screens will realize they’re fake, but they also recognize that a very small portion of the game’s potential audience will see this content and be horrified, thinking it’s actually Nintendo-produced content. That’s why the Big N has started canvasing the internet to get these videos and pictures removed, and the accounts behind them silenced.

As you know, one way to make a problem on the internet worse is by trying to squash it, so it’s likely the trouble will only grow from here on out. If Nintendo takes an even more aggressive stance against this issue, we’ll let you know.

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9M ago

I heard some of those funny social media featuring edited content of the Super Mario Brothers Wonder game have been unfairly/wrongfully removed/blocked by some actual Nintendo workers and/or internet trolls masquerading as Nintendo workers because they do not like watching internet memes of games, movies, television, etc.. I will say some of my friends and I enjoyed looking at several social media posts containing funny Super Mario Brothers Wonder memes and found several of them very funny!!


9M ago

If done well there can be a lot of witty humor with this mod =D