
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Volume 1 is arriving on Switch in just a few days, giving fans a chance to revisit some classic MGS titles. While those games individually mention Hideo Kojima in the credits as they always have, the new overall credits for this collection don’t mention him at all. (h/t VGC)

Some early copies of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Volume 1 have made it into the hands of some Twitch streamers, and multiple people have confirmed that Hideo Kojima’s name is nowhere to be found in the new credits. Again, the credits attached to each individual game still credit Kojima, but a new set of credits made specifically for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Volume 1 simply thanks “all original Metal Gear series staff and fans.”

Kojima and Konami parted ways back in 2015, and it seems like the split was rather tumultuous. The series of events that led to Kojima’s departure had to be quite significant, as he was willing to leave the Metal Gear Solid franchise behind. Still, you’d think Konami would at least give Kojima the respect he deserves in the new credits for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Volume 1.


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9M ago

“While those games individually mention Hideo Kojima in the credits as they always have, the new overall credits for this collection don’t mention him at all.”
— as it should be with this sort of thing


9M ago

I'm confused what the issue is. What work did he do on this new collection to be credited? How is having his name in the credits of the actual games not enough? He doesn't exist at the company to have done work on these ports, so why would he get a credit? I used to enjoy this site for staying away from awful, opinionated sensationalism, but this is steeped in that, and it feels bad.

Edited 1 time


9M ago

His name wouldn’t be added to the new credits because he wasn’t involved in the making of this particular collection. He’s still credited through the original line of credits. Not to mention, the opening cutscenes for each game still have “a Hideo Kojima game”.


9M ago

If I was Kojima I'd be relieved they didn't include my name in the credits for these ports, esp. of MGS2 where they can't even get it above 30 FPS on the Switch even though it ran at 60 FPS on the PS2 and Vita


9M ago

*Picture of Captain America*
So, the comments section isn't going the way you planned.