
Nintendo is the arbiter of what is allowed on the Switch eShop. As long as companies follow Nintendo’s guidelines and get their approval, we take no issue with the titles that arrive. That said, outside of the legalities of what is/isn’t allowed due to Nintendo’s regulations and processes, we can certainly be disappointed in what makes it through content-wise.

We’re not going to say that Need for Spirit Drink & Drive Simulator shouldn’t be allowed on the Switch eShop, but it certainly will ruffle a few feathers. Whether those feathers happen to be yours is completely up to you, but if you do find yourself a bit aghast at what this game has to offer, let’s just say you wouldn’t be alone.

Need for Spirit Drink & Drive Simulator is about delivering alcoholic beverages to various parties and celebrations, which is a completely fine topic for a game. The thing is, the driver themselves are apparently an alcoholic, and they can’t stop drinking their own supply while out on deliveries.

The listing for the game itself says it offers “a humorous take on a serious subject,” also stating that it’s “clear that the game does not endorse or encourage drunk driving in real life.” It’s certainly good to see this message included in the game’s description, but there’s still something about the subject matter that feels a bit uncomfortable when seeing it gamified.

Again, we’re not saying this game should be yanked from the Switch eShop by any means. It has a right to be there with any other titles that pass Nintendo’s approval. That said, it certainly lends itself to an interesting discussion.

UPDATE: Need for Spirit Drink & Drive Simulator has been pulled from the Switch eShop in Europe due to its rating. The game was originally classified as PEGI 3+, but PEGI’s own rules say that any game that “refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco” must be labelled as PEGI 16 or PEGI 18. The game will likely return with an updated rating.

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the schaef

9M ago

It always bugged me how many tidied-up mobile phone ports got into the shop. Even the Kairosoft titles, many of which I enjoyed on my phone, cost a whopping $14 in the eshop, when they are usually worth (and on Android, actually cost) less than half that.

Yacht Club charged me $15 for the original Shovel Knight campaign. These mobile phone companies need to check themselves.

Edited 1 time


9M ago

Nintendo has the Seal of Quantity on the eshop these days.


9M ago

How did PEGI miss this originally? The hint is in the title of the game.